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Chinese translation for "vapor bubble"


Related Translations:
vapor growth:  汽相生长由蒸气生长
vapor cloud:  蒸发云
vapor lamp:  见discharge lamp
alkali vapor:  碱蒸气
vapor movement:  水汽运动
vapor pocket:  气袋汽袋
vapor transmission:  蒸汽渗透
hose vapor:  蒸气收集软管
vapor recording:  喷雾记录法
vapor composition:  蒸汽组成
Example Sentences:
1.This paper briefly summarizes the recent research progress on the dynamic behavior of vapor bubbles during nucleate boiling , particularly on the visual exploration of novel interfacial dynamics of this complicated transport process
2.We believed that laser manipulation of a bubble might present a way to control the dynamic process of the bubble and clarify the origin of single - bubble luminescence . - especially , the liquid - to - vapor phase transition of a micro system ( such as a vapor bubble ) could be studied by using our method
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